This project brought together older residents with Year 7 students from Aylsham High School and children from Hevingham Primary School. Everybody worked together to turn recycled jeans into 6 large, plaited ragrugs, now on display in the schools.
Common Threads: a 'Teenagers & Elders' rag rug project
The start of an enormous circular ragrug...
Jessica led a series of projects at Aylsham High School, Hevingham Primary School, the over-50's Aylsham Art Club, 3 local sheltered housing venues, Runwood Nursing Home, and at Hevingham Old Rectory Residential Home for Adults with complex needs.
Young people and adults worked shoulder-to-shoulder to cut masses of donated, unwanted denim jeans and colourful old T-shirts into long 3" strips.
These strips were then made into VERY long plaits, which were then coiled and strung together to make a set of impressive rugs and wall hangings, now on display in the various venues in which they were worked on.
This project was an excellent demonstration of the imaginative use of recycled materials and of the positive benefits of companionable co-operation, combining learning processes (plaiting and cutting) with conversation and reminiscence: all possible when groups at opposite ends of the age-spectrum come together with an interesting and enjoyable common task.
Young people and adults worked shoulder-to-shoulder to cut masses of donated, unwanted denim jeans and colourful old T-shirts into long 3" strips.
These strips were then made into VERY long plaits, which were then coiled and strung together to make a set of impressive rugs and wall hangings, now on display in the various venues in which they were worked on.
This project was an excellent demonstration of the imaginative use of recycled materials and of the positive benefits of companionable co-operation, combining learning processes (plaiting and cutting) with conversation and reminiscence: all possible when groups at opposite ends of the age-spectrum come together with an interesting and enjoyable common task.