Hands-On Art

A visual record of the range of Jessica Perry's art sessions can be viewed on the Facebook page Hands-On Art: www.facebook.com/jessicaperry.handsonart

Just a few previous 'tried and tested' workshop ideas for an achievable 2 hour session at primary level (and as drop-in family workshops) have included:

SPACESHIPS & FAIRIES – Really decorative 3D hanging sculptures for your garden, using clean, graded plastic waste, bottle tops and buttons.

HAIRY MAMMOTH FAMILIES - Mini-sculptures of big, little and huge mammoths or elephants, using recycled plastic milk bottles.

MUSHROOM SCULPTURE – Use clay & plaster to make amazing fungi sculpture, casting mini-mushrooms as well as big, collaborative shapes.

BEACH HUT HOUSES – 3D beach huts, houses and sheds, using discarded denim and fabric collage techniques.

FELTING COLLAGE – Combining beautiful coloured fleece and textiles to make soft pictures and wall hangings, using natural wool and fleece.

MINI PETRI-PORTRAITS – Miniature pictures enclosed in a petri-dish frame, using assorted low-relief collage materials.

FLYING OWLS AND OTHER BIRDS - 3D hanging models of Barn Owls, Seagulls and Geese, using plastic milk bottles, feathers and oil pastels.

WONDERFUL WATERCOLOURS - vibrant paintings with acrylic and oil pastel on cotton sheet, learning how to mix water-soluble media.

SPRING NESTS - 'Random weaving’ technique to make a strong nest, using wire, string and beads.

STICKY ANIMALS - Transform humble twigs and other natural objects into imaginative creatures.

FIGURE SCULPTURE - with wire, paper and silver foil to make a realistic model in 'action' pose.

More workshops are continually added to the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/jessicaperry.handsonart

Hands-On Art: workshops, In-Service Training, and community arts projects.


Original projects using a wide range of freely available 'waste' materials: from inner tubes, to plastics, paper and textiles
her popular and achievable recycling idea'scan be designed to fit into a schedule.
From 20 minutes to half-day, or longer projects, they can be targeted at children and adults of all ages and abilities. See Gallery for more pictures...